Accessing this site may imply the use of cookies. Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored on the browser used by each user for the server to remember certain information that may be used later. This information may allow you to identify yourself as a certain user and to save your personal preferences, as well as technical information such as visits or specific pages you visit.

Those users who do not accept receiving cookies or want to be informed before those are stored in their computer, shall configure their browser previously.

Most of nowadays browsers allow the management of cookies in three different ways:

  • Cookies are never accepted.
  • The browser asks the user if it may accept the cookies.
  • The cookies are always accepted.

Also, the browser may include the possibility of a better specification of which cookies may be accepted and which not. Specifically, the user can usually accept one of the following options:

  • Reject the cookies for some domain.s
  • Reject the cookies of third party pages.
  • Accept cookies that are not permanent (those that are erased when the browser is closed).
  • Allow the server create cookies for a different domain.

Also, browsers allow the user to see and erase cookies individually.

More cookies information at: Wikipedia.

Third party

In some cases, we share information about the visitors of this website anonymously or aggregated to third party companies, such as advertisers, sponsors or audit companies with the only purpose of improving our services. All this processing tasks are regulated according to the legal regulations and they will respect your data protection rights, according to the current regulation.

This site measures its traffic with different solutions that may use cookies or web beacons to analyze what happens within our sites. Currently we use the following solutions to measure the traffic to this site. You can see more information about their privacy policies:

Cookies are files stored in your browser that may register your activity inside the web site and may allow you a better and personalized experience.